Cathryn grows on a small piece of land in South Devon with the help of her family and friends. Growing in an ecologically sensitive way is important, which is why there are no pesticides or chemicals used and wildlife is welcomed inat every opportunity. The flower growing season runs from April, when the first tulips and anemones begin poking their heads up,
through to October when the last of the dahlia and Aster continue to brighten those Autumnal days.
Cathryn's journey with growing flowers began back in 2019 when a friend asked if she'd be interested in producing dried flower for her small
business. In that first year only statice, strawflowers, gomphrena and ammobium were on the menu, but that was enough; the powers of flower growing captured a heart! At the time Cathryn's two daughters were tiny. The solace she found whilst on her patch was like medicine for
a weary body and tired mind. It became evening therapy; deadheading with only the hum of the insects to engage with.
Planting out mid-Spring as the birdsong blossomed! The act of growing healthy blooms is far more than just trying to earn a living for Cathryn,
it's about connection to the land, seeking beauty in every season and learning alongside Nature in order to encourage wellbeing.